Sunday, 7 October 2012

Heart troup·ing Mumbai

Namaste, Bonjour,Hello


Welcome to the "LAND OF DREAMS" as people quote it,"its true,why?, enormous,huge, elephant like population".yeah OK, lets not get into details ,will come there later . Cut to  survival strategies, as the song goes," Mo hammed, Mohamed Ali, he moves like butterfly and stings like a bee".A similar kind of movement.The Heart of Mumbai is the Railway Train, not the Gateway of India nor any other sculptures.Y? by car, Its a never ending road, and Rising India needs punctuality(unless we follow are old rules).

Vadala station
Lets know the Railway Lines
  1. The harbour route, the central route, the western route
  2. Last station for all route is MUMBAI CST, it helps when you are Lost 
The Real Spider Man: 
 If Spider-man was not just a fictional Character, he would been amazed!! Dazzled!! even excited (watever) to see that real-life Spidey's Do exist in real alas reel.where Mumbai is the place, You know its a part of show biz..  lemme show how!! 

Anytime soon you ride on one, try pushing a notch up your Spiderman Skills ....... Please Don't try this at your Backyard.   


The Shoe Accumulation technique (SAT)
In-cases if you want to know the direction from anyone, go for the shoes, then the face. why?

1.Branded shoes takes a toll 
             2.You know they are, what they R!!

Mr.Nogoodshoes at the station, Mr.Lost asked,"which train to Apple pie station".
Mr.Nogoodshoes replies,"Oh thats the one"
Mr.Lost gets on the train, smiley on his face, takes a seat and as the train start on full throttle... Mr.Lost waves his hand for a goodbye... Mr.NOgoodshoes smirk's at him.
SAT is a must!!!

from Marine Drive

from Bandra
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